Customer’s question: Moss between bricks
I have a patio with bricks. Now moss is growing between the joints. Especially where the sun cannot reach it, it is bad. I have tried many things but am unable to remove it. Hard means I prefer not to use because they would stain what can I do? – Freddy Rigaux, Zottegem

What do the experts say:
If you use a product, you are not familiar with, it is always better to test it on a spot that is not easily visible. A good product for this is Green Clean® from BM Chemie. It is a moss, mildew, and algae killer. It should be applied undiluted in dry weather with a sprayer or soft brush. For best results, it should be left dry for the first 48 hours. In case of strong fouling, remove the remnants to repeat the treatment afterwards. The product is available in 1, 5 or 25 liters and costs 10, 35 and 139 euros respectively. 1 liter is sufficient for about 8 to 10m².